Please consider supporting our vision of creating a community that heals and nurtures people, animals and the land, full circle.
We are a 501(c)3 non-profit venture that is donor-funded and volunteer-ran.
Your donations, gifts and transfers are tax-deductible.
Our EIN is 84-2548623
Shop or donate below, or contact us if you have another idea in mind!
Checks can be mailed to:
Wild Heart Farm & Sanctuary, 287 Forest St, Mars Hill, NC 28754
Items found on this list are for the safety, dietary, health or daily needs of the animal residents on our farm. You can shop through Amazon and it will be mailed directly to us.
You can send us a donation of any desired amount through Venmo.
Join our private community and access exclusive news, branded gifts and handwritten letters mailed seasonally to your home.
This is the best way to support us!
You can send us a donation of any desired amount through Paypal. Please select “friends + family” so Paypal does not deduct fees for the transaction.
Wild Heart’s wish list:
If you have any of these items or wish to purchase one for our organization, please e-mail us at
Metal carport
Airstream, Yurt or Tiny home for work-trade interns and guests.
LAND - We need more land in Western North Carolina for our second location, as well as our future land conservation program.